So I went to the doctor this morning. I was supposed to go this coming Monday but the swelling had gone down significantly and since she hadn't ruled out a break I thought the sooner I see her the better.
She was much happier with the appearance and said it looked like more like a typical sprain now rather than a balloon! She did some resistance exercises against her hand and then felt all along the foot. She said I tore the tendons marked in orange in the picture below and further aggravated the injuries I had to the Peroneal tendons which are marked in green (she didn't say whether or not that was a tear or not). She also said that I had bad bruising of the ankle bone which would make my recovery slower. I need to wear the brace for the next 10 - 14 days all day and then after that I will need to wear it only when I exercise for at least a month. Because of the edema swelling I had she doesn't want me doing any cardio (so no bike) for the next 10-14 days and because of the bone bruising she doesn't think I will be able to even try running for a month after that (so 6 weeks until I can even think about running). I go back to her in 2 weeks.
5 years ago
Well now you know at least. Hang in there the next 6 weeks.
Hit the weights!! Keep that metabolism high, sister!
i am so sorry. but so glad its not a break!
Major bummer! Isn't not running hard? It's hit me like a ton of bricks. I've been majorly bitchy:( Hang in there. We can commiserate!
Listen to the doc and feel better soon!
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