Cut Back

I can see why cut back weeks, tapers and low humidity are necessary in running. I've been good about getting my miles in until this weekend with the wedding. Having a few days off has done me good. I went out today for 7 and it was warm (in the mid 80's) but not humid. I had a great run and my speed was much better than its been the past month.

Probably because I was going faster than I have been I was a little tired around mile 2 and 3. I was a bit discouraged and felt like giving up on this base building or any thoughts of doing a marathon someday. By the time I was at 5 miles all those thoughts were behind me and I felt like myself again.


Jen said...

Sounds like a cool run Heather! Time off always makes me feel guilty but I too usually find it does my legs (and mind) lots of GOOD! Good for you!

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